Monday, October 17, 2011

Book Review: Love You More

I have several friends who have adopted children.  But I was not acquainted with my friends during their adoption process.  In Love You More I felt as if I were joining author Jennifer Grant on her adoption journey.  She candidly writes about God calling her and her husband to adopt a fourth child.  Yes, they already had three biological children when they made the decision to adopt. Mia is the Guatemalan-born daughter God seemed to choose for them. Their adoption of Mia bumped the plain-vanilla Grant family into a "conspicuous family" bracket.

If you have ever considered adoption or have friends who have adopted, then I would recommend reading this book.  Jennifer takes the reader through the steps that led to their adoption of Mia when she was 2 years old.  I can definitely relate to her stories about how parenthood drastically changed their lifestyle and priorities.  Children change us and transform our lives into something new.   And yes I agree that they  "almost certainly will strip you of your pride." (pg. 25)

There are funny moments in this book.  I can definitely relate to Jennifer's comment about moms using "our body more than our brain." (pg.13)  Jennifer opens up about their miscarriage and dealing with the loss of a life.  While she didn't deal with infertility she recounts how their very close friends struggled and eventually adopted three girls from China.   It was difficult to imagine going through the expense, paperwork and scrutiny required to adopt a baby.  Even their BMI was measured.  Ugh.  This made me appreciate how "easy" it was to birth a baby into the world and take her home after a few days in the hospital.

Everything from the lengthy wait, the unmet expectations, to racial issues to post-adoption blues are covered in this book.  I learned the best thing to say to friends or family who want to adopt is a simple "Congratulations."    I also liked the idea about creating a Lifebook scrapbook for the adopted child. 

There are reasons not to adopt too.  "When a person adopts a child out of pity, a desire to be nice, or to help the poor, it might be a very, very unfortunate choice for everyone involved."  (pg. 42)  But for those who have a growing interest in growing their family through adoption, Jennifer offers words of wisdom and resources are included in an appendix. 

By the end of the book Jennifer is beginning to understand God's grace and that God loves her as much on her worst day as He does on her best day.  That His love is not dependent on her actions or efforts.  She is an Episcopalian who loves God, but I certainly am not certain what her status is in God's eyes.  While she does refer to God directing her steps and uses a sprinkling of scripture verses throughout the book I don't believe those who aren't overly religious would be offended by this book.  I would consider this more of an inspirational book than a religious book.

Disclaimer: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided a complimentary copy of this book to me.  I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own.   I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255:“Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

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